Beirut Nancy Naous / 4120.CORPS

fa'addebhou li (dresse-le pour moi)

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Fa’addebhou li Dresse-le pour moi ») is the entreaty of parents whose son is not following what they believe is the right path closely enough – the path of tradition and patriarchal expectations. Choreographer Nancy Naous highlights the unsustainable construction of the male body in Arab society, in the daily lives of families and siblings. She stages two bodies (Nahid Bahsoun, Alexandre Paulikevitch) of men trapped in a straitjacket of inheritance and contradictions. Strong, tough, and idolized, they are moved by capacious desires and hidden insecurity. A dancer and actor of Lebanese origin, and founder of the company 4120.CORPS, Nancy Naous works with gestures from traditional dances and movements anchored in middle-eastern daily lives.

Nancy Naous / 4120.CORPS fa'addebhou li (dresse-le pour moi)

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