switch (meditations on crying) + poetics to activate the technology of the body + nurse tree

© Baco Lepage-Acosta

Drawing from strip tease, lap dance, meditation and intuitive martial arts – Switch (meditations on crying) wrestles with socialized notions of sexiness and the buddhist concept of the hungry ghost. The hungry ghost in eastern philosophy represents the insatiable hunger alive in people that leads to addiction, self harm or harm to others. Switch (meditations on crying) is a dance solo that embodies the fluid and creaturely aspects of personhood, calling upon sensation to disrupt objectification.

Poetics to Activate the Technology of the Body is a dance video series inspired by guided meditations and the “how to” approach of a work-out video. The goal orientation of these dance videos is a monument to catching one’s breath, calming the nervous system, and a digital spa where participants are guided back into self and into sensation- through sound and dance.

Nurse Tree is an installation of body workers and the aesthetics and practices of care – that seeks to move beyond critique of the medical industrial complex to a place where alternative economies of care exist. Wrestling with the need for another vision for future while acknowledging the harms of utopic thinking. It is a proposition for another way of living, dying and caring for eachother along the way.

Free childcare will be offered during the performance on May 6th 2023. Register here.


Be Heintzman Hope — Artistic direction, choreography, performance Switch (meditations on crying), sound weaver | Lucy B., Kaiden Diaz, Bam Truong — Performance Nurse Tree | Baco Lepage-Acosta — Conception video Poetics to Active the Technology of the Body | Nien Tzu Weng — Lighting fairy | Alice Lepage-Acosta — Costumes | Sasha Lang, Tomas Furey — Sound guides | Carmen Colas — Support to sound weaver | Néné Myriam-Konaté, Clara Furey, Baco Lepage-Acosta, Nada Khashaba, Dhalia Li, Maxine Segalowitz, K.G. Guttman, Carol Prieur — Dramaturgy | Malek Robanna — Astrological consult | Kinga Michalska, Baco Lepage-Acosta — Promotional images, video

Partners and supports for creation — CCOV, Studio 303

The creation of this work was made possible thanks to the financial support of: Conseil des arts du Canada, Conseil des arts de Montréal.

Co-presented with MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) and  Danse-Cité.
A coproduction Be Heintzman Hope, MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels), Parbleux & Danse-Cité