
cécilia bracmort

visual arts arts visuels

Cécilia Bracmort is an artist and curator with an interest in the cross-disciplinarity, the mixing of genres, and experimentation. She was born in Creil, France, has roots in the islands of Martinique and Guadaloupe, and has lived in Montreal since 2012. Her curatorial and creative work draws on her various layers of identity as much as on the notions of movement (walking, running, performance), spaces, history and memory (memorial spaces and monuments).

Cécilia holds a masters in cultural mediation and communication from Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, a bachelors in philosophy of art from Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, and a bachelors in fine arts from Bishops University. She has participated in numerous theatre and visual arts projects both in Paris and Montreal.

In 2017 Cécilia was an invited curator as part of the Montréal/Havana exchange, in collaboration with the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Cuba. In August 2018 she became administrative coordinator at the artist-run centre articule.